Top 100 Professions
Receptionists (general)
22 jobs -
Metal moulders and coremakers
5 jobs -
Special needs teachers
5 jobs -
Software and applications developers and analysts not elsewhere classified
4 jobs -
Client information workers not elsewhere classified
3 jobs -
Legislators and senior officials
3 jobs -
Agricultural and industrial machinery mechanics and repairers
2 jobs -
Bricklayers and related workers
2 jobs -
Building frame and related trades workers not elsewhere classified
2 jobs -
Data entry clerks
2 jobs -
Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers
2 jobs -
Fitness and recreation instructors and program leaders
2 jobs -
Generalist medical practitioners
2 jobs -
Health care assistants
2 jobs -
Industrial and production engineers
2 jobs -
Personal care workers
2 jobs -
Professional services managers
2 jobs -
Restaurant managers
1 jobs -
Technical and medical sales professionals (excluding ICT)
2 jobs -
Translators, interpreters and other linguists
2 jobs -
Transport conductors
2 jobs -
Accounting and bookkeeping clerks
1 jobs -
Ambulance workers
1 jobs -
Assemblers not elsewhere classified
1 jobs -
Beauticians and related workers
1 jobs -
Bus and tram drivers
1 jobs -
Earthmoving and related plant operators
1 jobs -
Electronics engineers
1 jobs -
Environmental and occupational health inspectors and associates
1 jobs -
Freight handlers
1 jobs -
Health professionals not elsewhere classified
1 jobs -
Health service managers
0 jobs -
Heavy truck and lorry drivers
1 jobs -
Home-based personal care workers
1 jobs -
Hospitality, retail and other services managers
0 jobs -
Hotel receptionists
1 jobs -
Interior designers and decorators
1 jobs -
1 jobs -
Manufacturing supervisors
1 jobs -
Other language teachers
1 jobs -
Packing, bottling and labelling machine operators
1 jobs -
Personnel and careers professionals
1 jobs -
1 jobs -
Primary school teachers
1 jobs -
Process control technicians
1 jobs -
1 jobs -
Sales and marketing managers
1 jobs -
Service and sales workers
0 jobs -
Social welfare managers
1 jobs -
Social work associate professionals
1 jobs -
Software developers
1 jobs -
Stationary plant and machine operators not elsewhere classified
1 jobs -
Teaching professionals not elsewhere classified
1 jobs -
Transport clerks
1 jobs -
Welders and flame cutters
1 jobs